Fourth Annual Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame Concert
- Wednesday, April 14, '99 at the Hawai`i Theater -
Concert goers view the Hall of Fame exhibit panels of the 1998 Honorees at the Hawai'i Theatre Center reception.
The Fourth Annual Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame concert to be produced by Kahauanu Lake honors 100 years of the Royal Hawaiian Band music history. The Band, originally named "The King's Band' became famous during the reign of King David Kalakaua, under the Directorship of Captain Henri Berger. It is the oldest, continually-performing Municipal Band in the United States. Aaron Mahi is current Bandmaster. Special guest vocalists and dancers will help present the Hawaiian songs made famous around the world by the band.
General public tickets go on sale at Hawai`i Theatre on March 15, 1999, at $40 and $25, and may be purchased by phone with a major credit card. The box office is open 9-5, Tuesday through Saturday. Phone (808) 528-0506.
Early ticket purchase is recommended as this concert, too, is expected to sell out. If this is your first time to visit the Hawai`i Theatre, please know that all seats in the house have an unobstructed view of the stage, and the theatre's excellent acoustics reach all the way to the last row of the second balcony.
Net proceeds of the concert benefit the Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame public events program, which sponsors many traditional Hawaiian music programs throughout the year.
Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame and Museum
1732 Halekoa Drive, Honolulu HI 96821-1027
Phone/Fax: (808) 739-9164
Email: [email protected]
Homepage URL: www.hawaiimusicmuseum.org ([email protected])
Last updated: 1/31/99 by John Ely ([email protected])